The approval seeker
Me. Always. And still me. I put this blog up without having the tiniest intention to self-victimization or harm in anyway my family who, with the means and emotional knowledge they had, have offered me what was available for them in the moment.
Paraphrasing Maya Angelou’s : when you know better, you do better , this is something I truly believe in and it’s been so relevant in my own journey, not just on how my accumulated knowledge eventually transformed itself into different actions and decisions at every moment, but how it also helped me accept that I received the best possible life my family knew to offer me, given the trans generational emotional traumas they carried, the post-communist collective societal trauma I grew up in and the constant fight for somewhat survival.
And yet, I find myself ruminating about asking my husband to pre- read, before I publish, so it’s not too offensive. And as I found myself again on the verge of approval seeking, I realize that my story is mine to tell and that I don’t need anyone’s validation for soul-storytelling.